What is ZnCl3? Important knowledge about ZnCl3.

Definition of ZnCl3 ZnCl3 is not a existing chemical substance as only ZnCl2 is a common compound of zinc and chlorine. In fact, ZnCl3 does not exist because Zn2+ is the most common ion of Zinc and it usually combines with two Cl- ions to form ZnCl2. Therefore, there is no substance with the formula … Read more

What is Zn(OH)3? Important knowledge about Zn(OH)3.

To begin with, let’s get acquainted with Zn(OH)3 – a kind of chemical substance that is often not mentioned much in textbooks. Clearly, Zn(OH)3 is not a common name for any substance because it does not exist under normal conditions. In practice, there is no accurate information about this substance that we can discuss, including … Read more

What is Zn(NO3)3? Important knowledge about Zn(NO3)3.

Unfortunately, there is currently no Zn(NO3)3 in chemistry. You might be confusing Zn(NO3)2 – Zinc Nitrate and Al(NO3)3 – Aluminium Nitrate. Zn(NO3)2 is a salt of the metal Zinc (Zn) with Nitric Acid (HNO3). This substance usually appears in the form of white, odorless crystals, which are highly soluble in water. Zn(NO3)2 is widely used … Read more

What is K2NO3? Important knowledge about K2NO3.

Definition of K2NO3: 1.1 Name: K2NO3 is commonly known as Potassium Nitrate. 1.2 Atomic composition: A K2NO3 molecule consists of 2 Potassium (K) atoms, 1 Nitrogen (N) atom, and 3 Oxygen (O) atoms. 1.3 Atomic mass: The atomic mass of K2NO3 equals the total mass of the atoms that compose it, including: 2 Potassium atoms … Read more

What is Fe(CN)2? Important knowledge about Fe(CN)2.

Before we begin, please make the requested modifications. It seems there has been a misunderstanding – Fe(CN)2 is not a valid chemical formula. Instead, you might be referring to Fe(CN)6^-4 also known as iron (II) ferrocyanide, or Fe(CN)6^-3, iron (III) ferricyanide. Therefore, I will provide definitions for iron’s ferrocyanide: Definition of Fe(CN)6^-4 1.1 Names 1.1.1 … Read more

What is Fe2(S2O4)3? Important knowledge about Fe2(S2O4)3

Fe2(S2O4)3, also known as Iron(III) thiosulphate or thiosulphate iron, is a compound that each molecule contains two iron (Fe) atoms and three thiosulphate radicals (S2O4)2-. The iron in this compound has an oxidation number of +3. Physical properties: Fe2(S2O4)3 often appears as brown crystals, has no distinctive smell and is insoluble in water. In terms … Read more

What is Na2NO3? Important knowledge about Na2NO3.

Definition of Na2NO3 Na2NO3, also known as Sodium Nitrate, is a naturally occurring chemical, often appearing as a white crystal. This compound consists of two sodium atoms (Na), one nitrogen atom (N), and three oxygen atoms (O), with a total atomic weight of 85. Na2NO3 has an ionic structure with two positive sodium ions and … Read more

What is Al(OH)2? Important knowledge about Al(OH)2.

Definition of Al(OH)2 Al(OH)2 or Aluminium hydroxide is a chemical substance. 1.1 Names 1.1.1 Common name: Aluminium hydroxide (II) 1.1.2 English name: Aluminium hydroxide 1.2. Atomic mass: 26.9815386(8) u 1.3. Molar mass: 78.00566 g/mol 1.3.1 Molecular structure: Consists of 1 aluminium (Al) atom and 2 hydroxide (OH) groups bonded together. 1.4 Ionic structure: Aluminium (Al^3+) … Read more

FeS2 là gì? Các kiến thức quan trọng FeS2

Định nghĩa FeS2 FeS2, còn được biết đến với tên gọi thường ngày là pyrit hoặc "vàng kẽm". Trong tiếng Anh, chất này thường được gọi là "Iron Pyrite" hoặc "Fool’s Gold". Trong một phân tử FeS2, có một nguyên tử sắt (Fe) và hai nguyên tử lưu huỳnh (S2). Cấu tạo phân tử của … Read more