The equation Zn + 2HgCl2 -> ZnCl2 + 2Hg

  1. The above chemical equation represents the reaction between the metal zinc (Zn) and the reagent mercury(II) chloride (HgCl2) to produce zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and mercury (Hg). Both reactants involved are binary compounds, with zinc and mercury playing the roles of the metallic elements, while chlorine is the nonmetal.

  2. Reaction conditions: This is a redox reaction, which naturally takes place at room temperature without the need for a catalyst. However, the reaction rate may increase if the temperature rises.

  3. Reaction process: Initially, zinc is oxidized (loses electrons) to become zinc ion (Zn2+) and mercury(II) chloride is reduced (gains electrons) to become mercury. Simultaneously, zinc ion will combine with chloride ions to form zinc chloride.

  4. Phenomenon observed: When the reaction occurs, you will see the metal zinc start to melt and liquid mercury appear. If the reaction takes place in a liquid, you may also see the formation of the solid zinc chloride.

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