The equation Si + 3H2O -> SiO2 + 3H2

  1. Detailed Information about the Equation Si + 3H2O -> SiO2 + 3H2

The above chemical equation represents the reaction process between Silicon (Si) and Water (H2O) to produce Silicon dioxide (SiO2) and Hydrogen (H2).

  1. Reaction Conditions

This reaction requires high temperatures and high pressure to occur.

  1. Reaction Process

In this process, each Silicon (Si) molecule combines with 3 water (H2O) molecules to form one Silicon dioxide (SiO2) molecule and 3 Hydrogen (H2) molecules.

  1. Observable Phenomena

When the reaction occurs, you will observe boiling and sounds due to the release of Hydrogen gas. The resulting products are Hydrogen gas and Silicon dioxide, a colorless white solid. Silicon dioxide is commonly found in nature in the form of sand or glass.

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