The equation Na2O2 + H2SO4 -> 2NaHSO4

  1. Detailed information about the Na2O2 + H2SO4 -> 2NaHSO4equation:

    • This is the reaction equation between sodium peroxide (Na2O2) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to form sodium bisulfate (NaHSO4).
    • This reaction belongs to the type of exchange reaction.
  2. Reaction conditions:

    • The reaction conditions require the acidic environment of H2SO4.
    • Environmental temperature: the reaction occurs at room temperature.
  3. Reaction process:

    • Sodium peroxide, when reacting with sulfuric acid, results in sodium bisulfate.
    • This process occurs following the exchange reaction mechanism, meaning that the sodium ion in Na2O2 will exchange with the H+ ion in H2SO4 to form NaHSO4.
  4. Occurring phenomena:

    • When sodium peroxide reacts with sulfuric acid, the phenomenon that occurs is the bubbling due to the escape of O2 gas.
    • The final substance after the reaction (NaHSO4) is usually in solid form, white in color and odorless.

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