The equation Li2O + H2O -> 2LiOH

  1. Detailed information about the equation Li2O + H2O -> 2LiOH:

    • Li2O is the chemical formula for lithium oxide, a white solid that is produced when lithium reacts with oxygen.
    • H2O is the chemical formula for water.
    • 2LiOH is the chemical formula for lithium hydroxide, a white solid with strong alkaline properties.
  2. Reaction conditions:

    • This reaction occurs when lithium oxide comes into contact with water. This usually happens at room temperature or higher temperatures.
  3. Reaction process:

    • When lithium oxide (Li2O) comes into contact with water (H2O), it decomposes and produces lithium hydroxide (2LiOH). Lithium hydroxide is a strong alkali, capable of neutralizing acids.
  4. Observed phenomena:

    • When the reaction takes place, a change can be seen from a white solid (lithium oxide) to another white solid (lithium hydroxide). If the reaction takes place in solution, the solution will turn green due to the alkalinity of lithium hydroxide. This reaction also releases heat, increasing the temperature of the mixture.

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