The equation is BaNO3 + 2NaOH -> Ba(OH)2 + 2NaNO3

  1. The given chemical equation represents a displacement process between two chemicals, specifically BaNO3 (Barium nitrate) and NaOH (Sodium hydroxide). The result of this reaction is the formation of Ba(OH)2 (Barium hydroxide) and NaNO3 (Sodium nitrate).

  2. Reaction conditions: For this reaction, direct contact between the reacting substances in a water environment is required. In addition, the temperature can also affect the reaction speed, but is not specifically mentioned in this chemical equation.

  3. Reaction process: When BaNO3 and NaOH come into contact, the ba from BaNO3 will combine with OH from NaOH to form Ba(OH)2. Similarly, Na from NaOH will combine with NO3 from BaNO3 to form NaNO3.

  4. Phenomenon that occurs: During the reaction process, changes in the color or state of the substance can be observed. However, the provided chemical equation does not give specific information about the chemical phenomena that occur in this reaction.

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