The equation Ge + 2H2O -> Ge(OH)4

  1. The above chemical equation describes the reaction process between Germanium (Ge) and water (H2O), resulting in Germanium Hydroxide (Ge(OH)4).

  2. Reaction conditions: For the reaction to occur, Ge needs to be dissolved in water at high temperature and under high pressure conditions.

  3. Reaction process: When Ge is exposed to water at high temperature and pressure, it reacts with water, leading to the formation of Ge(OH)4.

  4. Occurrence phenomena: During the reaction, changes in color and volume of the liquid can be observed. Sometimes, gas bubbles may be seen escaping from the liquid.

Note: This is just general information about this type of reaction and there may be differences in details depending on the specific conditions of each particular reaction.

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