The equation FeO + CO -> Fe + CO2

  1. Detailed information about the chemical equation:

    • In the above chemical equation, FeO interacts with CO to create Fe and CO2.
    • The equation has been balanced in terms of the number of chemical elements.
    • FeO is an oxide of iron, CO is carbon monoxide, Fe is iron, and CO2 is carbon dioxide.
  2. Reaction conditions:

    • This reaction usually occurs at high temperatures, suitable for implementation in a chemical furnace.
  3. Reaction process:

    • Initially, FeO is introduced into the furnace along with CO.
    • When the temperature in the furnace is high enough, FeO and CO begin to react with each other.
    • The result of the reaction is iron and carbon dioxide.
  4. Phenomena that occur:

    • During the reaction, changes in color and shape of the substances can be observed.
    • FeO and CO are both solid and gas in their initial state, after the reaction, the presence of CO2 gas and solid iron can be observed.
    • If the reaction is performed in air conditions, CO2 gas can be seen escaping in the form of bubbles.
    • The iron produced from the reaction can be extracted and used in other applications.

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