The equation Fe + 2Fe3O4 -> 3Fe2O3

  1. Detailed Information about the Equation Fe + 2Fe3O4 -> 3Fe2O3:

The equation above describes the reaction between iron (Fe) and iron(III,II) oxide (Fe3O4) to form iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). In this equation, the coefficients of Fe, Fe3O4, and Fe2O3 are 1, 2, and 3, respectively, indicating the mole ratio between the reacting substances.

  1. Reaction Conditions:

This reaction requires the presence of heat to facilitate the reaction process.

  1. Reaction Process:

When pure iron is introduced into an environment containing iron(III,II) oxide, under the influence of heat, iron reacts with iron(III,II) oxide to form iron(III) oxide.

  1. Occurrence Phenomenon:

The phenomena is hard to observe with the naked eye during this process. However, the product, iron(III) oxide, is reddish-brown, different from the black color of iron(III,II) oxide. If the reaction is complete, the color of the mixture will change from black to reddish brown.

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