The equation Fe + 2Cu(NO3)2 -> Fe(NO3)3 + 2Cu

  1. Detailed information about the equation Fe + 2Cu(NO3)2 -> Fe(NO3)3 + 2Cu
    The above chemical equation represents the reaction process between iron (Fe) and copper(II) nitrate solution (Cu(NO3)2). The result of the reaction is a solution of iron(III) nitrate (Fe(NO3)3) and the metal copper (Cu).

  2. Reaction Conditions
    This reaction occurs at room temperature, without the need for pressure conditions or special catalysts. The copper(II) nitrate solution needs to be strong enough to oxidize iron.

  3. Reaction Process
    Metal iron reacting with copper(II) nitrate solution creates iron(III) nitrate and copper metal. In this process, iron is oxidized (donates electron) from the oxidation state 0 to +3, while copper is reduced (accepts electron) from the oxidation state +2 to 0.

  4. Phenomena Occurring
    When the reaction occurs, iron will gradually dissolve in the solution and red particles of copper metal will appear. The original blue solution of copper(II) nitrate will gradually change to the characteristic brown color of iron(III) nitrate.

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