The equation Fe + 2AgNO3 -> Fe(NO3)2 + 2Ag

  1. Detailed information about the equation Fe + 2AgNO3 -> Fe(NO3)2 + 2Ag

    • The above equation represents a chemical reaction process between Iron (Fe) and Silver Nitrate (AgNO3), creating Iron Nitrate (Fe(NO3)2) and Silver (Ag).
    • According to the law of conservation of moles, 1 mole of Iron reacts with 2 moles of Silver Nitrate to produce 1 mole of Iron Nitrate and 2 moles of Silver.
  2. Reaction conditions
    The reaction conditions require that Iron must come into direct contact with a solution of Silver Nitrate. Sufficient temperature is necessary for the reaction to occur, usually at room temperature.

  3. Reaction process
    When Iron comes into contact with AgNO3 solution, a redox reaction occurs. Iron is oxidized from the Fe state to Fe2+, while Ag+ ions in the AgNO3 solution are reduced to Ag.

  4. Phenomena that occur
    When Iron reacts with Silver Nitrate solution, a shiny Silver layer appears on the surface of the Iron due to pure Silver particles adhering to it. The color of the solution after the reaction usually turns pale yellow due to the formation of Fe2+ ions.

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