The equation CuCl2 + NaOH -> Cu(OH)2 + 2NaCl

  1. Detailed Information about the Reaction:

The chemical reaction occurs between Copper(II) Chloride (CuCl2) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), resulting in Copper(II) Hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) and Sodium Chloride (NaCl).

  1. Conditions for the Reaction:

The reaction takes place when these two substances meet in a water environment.

  1. Reaction Process:

When Copper(II) Chloride meets Sodium Hydroxide, it produces Copper(II) Hydroxide which precipitates as a blue solid and simultaneously produces Sodium Chloride.

  1. Phenomena Occurring:

When Sodium Hydroxide solution is added to Copper(II) Chloride solution, we observe the blue color of the Copper(II) Hydroxide precipitate. If there is an excess of Sodium Hydroxide, the Copper(II) Hydroxide precipitate will dissolve and form a solution with the blue color of the complex [Cu(OH)4]^2-.

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