The equation Ba(OH)2 + HCl -> BaCl2 + 2H2O

  1. The chemical equation Ba(OH)2 + HCl -> BaCl2 + 2H2Orepresentsthereactionprocessbetweenbariumhydroxide(Ba(OH)2)andhydrochloricacid(HCl)toformbariumchloride(BaCl2)andwater(H2O).

  2. Reaction conditions:

This reaction belongs to the type of ion exchange reactions in solution, taking place at room temperature and does not require special pressure conditions.

  1. Reaction process:

When barium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid in solution come into contact with each other, they will exchange ions. Specifically, the Ba2+ ion from Ba(OH)2 will combine with 2 Cl- ions from 2 mols of HCl to form BaCl2, while the 2 OH- ions from Ba(OH)2 will combine with 2 H+ ions from 2 mols of HCl to form 2H2O.

  1. Phenomenon occurred:

When Ba(OH)2 reacts with HCl, we observe that the solution becomes clear. This is a sign that BaCl2 has been formed. At the same time, the solution no longer contains free OH- ions, indicating that all Ba(OH)2 has reacted.

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