The equation BaO + CO2 -> BaCO3

  1. Detailed information about the equation:
  • BaO (Barium Oxide), also known as Oxide Barium, is a chemical compound consisting of barium and oxygen. It is a white solid, odorless, tasteless, and insoluble in water. Barium Oxide is often used in the production of glass, ceramics, and as additives in the rubber industry.

  • CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), also known as carbonic gas, is a chemical compound made up of carbon and oxygen. CO2 is colorless, odorless, and has a slightly sour taste. It can exist in gas form, liquid, or dry ice (solid) depending on temperature and pressure conditions.

  • BaCO3 (Barium Carbonate) is a chemical compound consisting of barium, carbon, and oxygen. It is a white solid, insoluble in water, and non-reactive with strong acid.

  1. Reaction conditions:
    The reaction between BaO and CO2 usually occurs at high temperatures.

  2. Reaction process:
    At high-temperature conditions, BaO reacts with CO2 to form BaCO3 according to the reaction:

BaO + CO2 -> BaCO3

  1. Phenomena that occur:
    During the chemical reaction between BaO and CO2, we will see the transformation from the original substances into the new substance BaCO3. BaCO3 is a white solid, insoluble in water.

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