The equation Al2O3 + 2NH4NO3 -> 2(NH4)3AlO3 + 2N2O + 3H2O

  1. Chemical equation: Al2O3 + 2NH4NO3 -> 2(NH4)3AlO3 + 2N2O + 3H2O
  2. Reaction conditions: This reaction needs to be carried out at high temperatures and appropriate pressure to ensure complete reaction of the raw materials and produce the desired products.
  3. Reaction process: When aluminium oxide and ammonium nitrate are combined under suitable conditions, they react with each other to produce ammonium aluminate, dinitrogen oxide and water. This reaction is a type of chemical reaction because it changes the molecular structure of the starting substances.
  4. Occurring phenomenon: During the reaction process, you will notice the generation of heat (exothermic reaction), as well as the formation of products such as ammonium aluminate, dinitrogen oxide and water. Dinitrogen oxide is a gas, so you will notice the escape of gas.

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