The equation Al2O3 + 2NH4Cl -> 2(NH4)3AlO3 + 2HCl

  1. Detailed information about the equation Al2O3 + 2NH4Cl -> 2(NH4)3AlO3 + 2HCl

    • Substance equation: Al2O3 is Aluminum oxide, NH4Cl is Ammonium chloride, (NH4)3AlO3 is Ammonium aluminate and HCl is Hydrochloric acid.
    • Reaction ratio: To completely react, 1 mol of Al2O3 and 2 mol of NH4Cl are required to create 2 mol of (NH4)3AlO3 and 2 mol of HCl.
  2. Reaction conditions:

    • Provide sufficient temperature and pressure.
    • Sufficient amount of reactants according to the given ratio is required.
  3. Reaction process:

    • Step 1: Al2O3 reacts with NH4Cl to form (NH4)3AlO3 and HCl.
    • Step 2: The created HCl continues to react with NH4Cl to form NH4Cl and H2O (if the reaction conditions allow).
  4. Phenomena occurring:

    • During the reaction, we can observe changes in color and state of the reacting substances.
    • If the reaction occurs at high temperature, boiling or evaporation of substances may be observed.
    • If the reaction occurs at room temperature, precipitation or color change may be observed.

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