The equation 6HNO3 + 2Cu -> 4NO2 + 2H2O + 2Cu(NO3)2.

  1. Detailed information about the equation 6HNO3 + 2Cu -> 4NO2 + 2H2O + 2Cu(NO3)2
    The above chemical equation describes the chemical reaction between nitric acid (HNO3) and copper (Cu), resulting in nitrogen dioxide (NO2), water (H2O), and copper (II) nitrate (Cu(NO3)2).

  2. Reaction conditions
    The reaction occurs when the concentration of HNO3 is strong enough and Cu is in fine powder form to increase the contact area.

  3. Reaction process
    When pouring concentrated nitric acid onto copper, the nitric acid reacts with copper to form copper (II) nitrate, nitrogen dioxide, and water. In this process, nitric acid acts as an oxidizing agent, while copper acts as a reducing agent.

  4. Phenomena occur
    When pouring concentrated nitric acid onto copper, a reddish-orange gas, nitrogen dioxide, appears. Copper slowly changes from pink to the green color of copper (II) nitrate.

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