The equation 4HNO3 + Fe -> 2NO2 + 2H2O + Fe(NO3)2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 4HNO3 + Fe -> 2NO2 + 2H2O + Fe(NO3)2:
  • This equation describes the reaction of nitric acid (HNO3) with iron (Fe) to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2), water (H2O), and iron(II) nitrate (Fe(NO3)2).

  • In this equation, nitric acid (HNO3) is reduced to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) while iron (Fe) is oxidized to iron(II) nitrate (Fe(NO3)2).

  1. Reaction conditions:
  • This reaction requires appropriate temperature and pressure to occur, typically at standard temperature and pressure conditions.

  • Particularly, the nitric acid used in the reaction must be concentrated and caution must be taken when conducting the reaction as nitric acid can cause explosions.

  1. Reaction process:
  • This process starts with iron reacting with nitric acid to form iron(II) nitrate and hydrogen ions.

  • Then, the hydrogen ions react with nitric acid to produce nitrogen dioxide and water.

  1. Occurring phenomena:
  • When concentrated nitric acid reacts with iron, a brownish-red gas (nitrogen dioxide) is emitted, simultaneously forming water and iron(II) nitrate in solution.

  • Iron will be consumed after the reaction, the solution turns blue due to the presence of iron(II) nitrate. If a large amount of gas is released, it can cause explosions.

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