The equation 4HNO3 + 2FeS -> 2Fe(NO3)3 + 2H2O + 4NO + SO2

  1. Detailed information about the compounds:

    • HNO3: is nitric acid, a strong acid commonly used in chemistry and industry. HNO3 has strong oxidizing properties.
    • FeS: Iron sulfide, is a compound of iron and sulfur.
    • Fe(NO3)3: Iron(III) nitrate, a compound of iron and nitrate.
    • H2O: Water.
    • NO: Nitric oxide, a colorless, odorless gas that is toxic.
    • SO2: Sulfur dioxide, a pale yellow gas with a pungent smell and is toxic.
  2. Reaction condition:

    This reaction requires high temperature to occur.

  3. Reaction process:

    In this reaction, nitric acid reacts with iron sulfide to form iron(III) nitrate, water, nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide.

  4. Observed phenomena:

    When the reaction occurs, there will be a phenomenon of gas rising, at the same time there is a pungent smell due to the formation of SO2 and NO gas. When the reaction ends, we can see the formation of iron(III) nitrate in the form of brown precipitate.

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