The equation 2Li + 2CuO -> 2Li2O + 2Cu

  1. The equation 2Li + 2CuO -> 2Li2O + 2Curepresentsthechemicalreactionprocessbetweenthemetallithium(Li)andtheoxygencompoundofcopper(CuO). The result of this reaction is the formation of lithium oxide (Li2O) and metallic copper (Cu).

  2. Reaction condition:
    This reaction takes place at high temperatures.

  3. Reaction process:
    When the temperature is high enough, lithium reacts with copper oxide to form lithium oxide and copper. It should be noted that lithium is strong enough to take oxygen from copper oxide, because it is in group I in the periodic table, having a stronger reducing property than copper.

  4. Observed phenomena:
    When the reaction takes place, the formed metallic copper will no longer have the blue color of copper oxide but will change to the red color of metallic copper. The formed lithium oxide is a white solid.

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