The equation 2KBr -> 2K + Br2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2KBr -> 2K + Br2 ->

The above chemical equation represents the dissociation process of the compound KBr (Potassium bromide) forming the element K (Potassium) and Br2 (Bromine).

  1. Reaction Conditions

The dissociation reaction of KBr usually requires high temperature to occur. The necessary temperature for the dissociation of KBr is usually around 700 degrees Celsius.

  1. Reaction Process

When heating KBr at a temperature of about 700 degrees Celsius, the KBr molecules will be dissociated into Potassium and Bromine. Potassium will then atomize to form the compound K and Br2.

  1. Occurring Phenomenon

When the reaction occurs, the phenomenon observed is the appearance of red-yellow color from Bromine and the glow from Potassium element.

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