The equation 2In + 6HCl -> 2InCl3 + 3H2

  1. Detailed Information about the Equation 2In + 6HCl -> 2InCl3 + 3H2

The above chemical equation describes the reaction between indium (In) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) to produce indium (III) chloride (InCl3) and hydrogen (H2). The number of charged particles of the reactants and the products after the reaction are conserved.

  1. Reaction Conditions

This reaction occurs at room temperature and does not require the presence of a catalyst.

  1. Reaction Process

When indium and hydrochloric acid come into contact with each other, indium is oxidized from oxidation state 0 to +III, while hydrogen is reduced from oxidation state +I to 0. The result is the formation of indium (III) chloride and hydrogen.

  1. Phenomena Occurred

When indium and hydrochloric acid react with each other, gas bubbles appear, which is the hydrogen gas being produced. The color of the solution also changes due to the formation of indium (III) chloride.

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