The equation 2HNO3 + Pb -> 2NO2 + 2H2O + Pb(NO3)2

  1. The above equation describes the reaction process between nitric acid (HNO3) and lead (Pb), which generates nitrogen dioxide (NO2), water (H2O), and lead(II) nitrate (Pb(NO3)2).

  2. Reaction conditions: This reaction occurs easily under standard temperature and pressure conditions. Sometimes, it is necessary to increase the temperature to speed up the reaction.

  3. Reaction process: In the reaction, lead reacts with nitric acid to produce nitrogen dioxide, water, and lead(II) nitrate. As a metal, lead gives off electrons and reacts with the nitrate ions in nitric acid to form lead(II) nitrate. In this process, nitric acid is also reduced to nitrogen dioxide.

  4. Phenomenon occurrence: When the reaction takes place, you will see brown gas (nitrogen dioxide) rising from the solution. The solution will also turn white due to the formation of lead(II) nitrate.

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