The equation 2HgO -> 2Hg + O2

  1. Detailed Information About the Equation 2HgO -> 2Hg + O2 ->

The above equation describes the decomposition reaction of the compound HgO (Mercury(II) oxide) into the element mercury and oxygen gas. This is a reversible chemical reaction, meaning it can occur in two directions.

  1. Reaction Conditions

This reaction occurs when the temperature increases. At room temperature, HgO does not decompose. When the temperature increases to about 500 degrees Celsius, HgO begins to decompose into Hg and O2.

  1. Reaction Process

When the temperature is high enough, HgO molecules begin to decompose. Each HgO molecule creates one Hg molecule and half an O2 molecule. Therefore, every two HgO molecules will produce two Hg molecules and one O2 molecule, as the given chemical equation indicates.

  1. Observed Phenomenon

When the reaction takes place, you will see the HgO compound begin to convert into the solid form of mercury (usually silver in color) and oxygen gas is released. This reaction also generates heat, therefore if the reaction takes place in a closed space, the pressure will also increase.

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