The equation 2Hg3Te2 -> 2Hg2Te2 + Te2 + O2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2Hg3Te2 -> 2Hg2Te2 + Te2 + O2 -> :
    The above chemical equation describes the decomposition process of mercury telluride (Hg3Te2) under the influence of temperature. As the temperature increases, Hg3Te2 will decompose into another mercury telluride compound (Hg2Te2), accompanied by the release of gaseous form of tellurium (Te2) and oxygen (O2).

  2. Reaction conditions:
    This reaction requires high temperature conditions to occur.

  3. Reaction process:
    When 2 mol of Hg3Te2 are heated, they will decompose into 2 mol of Hg2Te2, and release 1 mol of Te2 and 1 mol of O2.

  4. Phenomenon occurs:
    When the reaction occurs, under the influence of heat, the solid substance Hg3Te2 will turn into Hg2Te2 along with the release of Tellurium and Oxygen gases. This phenomenon can be observed in the form of the color change of the solid and the appearance of gas.

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