The equation 2Cr2O3 + 3SO2 -> 4CrSO4

  1. Detailed information about the chemical equation:

The chemical equation 2Cr2O3 + 3SO2 -> 4CrSO4describesthereactionbetweenchromiumoxideCr2O3andsulfurdioxideSO2toformchromiumsulfateCrSO4.

  1. Reaction conditions:

To occur, the reaction requires appropriate temperature and pressure conditions. In this case, the reaction typically happens at high temperatures and in an alkaline environment.

  1. Reaction Process:

In this reaction, each Cr2O3 molecule reacts with an SO2 molecule to form two CrSO4 molecules.

Specifically, the reaction process could be described as follows:

  • First, the Cr2O3 and SO2 molecules come into contact with each other in the reaction environment.
  • Next, these molecules react with each other, creating CrSO4 molecules.
  1. Occurring phenomena:

During the reaction, there could be changes in color, temperature, and/or mass of the reactants. The color of the reaction mixture may change due to the formation of chromium sulfate.

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