The equation 2Cr2O3 + 3Fe -> 4CrFeO3

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2Cr2O3 + 3Fe -> 4CrFeO3:

The above chemical equation represents the reaction process between Cr2O3 (Chromium III Oxide) and Fe (Iron). The product of the reaction is CrFeO3 (Ferrochromite).

  1. Reaction conditions:

This is a redox reaction. In order for the reaction to take place, sufficient temperature and pressure are required. The temperature is usually kept at 1000-1200 degrees Celsius and the pressure at 1 atm.

  1. Reaction Process:

When Cr2O3 and Fe are mixed together and heated at the appropriate temperature and pressure, a redox reaction will occur. Iron will be oxidized to Iron (III) during the process of Cr2O3 being reduced to Cr. The product formed is Ferrochromite (CrFeO3).

  1. Phenomena occurring:

When the reaction occurs, one can see the color change of the substance during the reaction from the blue color of Cr2O3 to the black color of CrFeO3. If the reaction takes place in a non-oxygen environment, it does not cause combustion or burning.

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