The equation 2Be + O2 -> 2BeO

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2Be + O2 -> 2BeO:

The chemical equation represents the combination reaction between the metal Beryllium (Be) and Oxygen (O2) to form the compound Beryllium Oxide (BeO). In this reaction, each Oxygen molecule interacts with two Beryllium atoms to form two Beryllium Oxide molecules.

  1. Conditions of the reaction:

This reaction takes place at high temperatures and in the presence of a catalyst.

  1. Reaction process:
  • Step 1: The metal Beryllium reacts with Oxygen in the air at high temperatures.
  • Step 2: The combination reaction occurs, forming the compound Beryllium Oxide.
  1. Occurrence phenomena:

When the reaction occurs, it can be observed that Beryllium atoms and Oxygen molecules transform into Beryllium Oxide molecules. This new compound has distinctly different properties compared to the two original substances.

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