The equation 2Ba(NO3)2 -> 2Ba(NO2)2 + O2

  1. The chemical equation above describes the decomposition process of barium nitrate (Ba(NO3)2) when the temperature increases. The result of the reaction is the compound barium dinitrogen (Ba(NO2)2) and oxygen (O2).

  2. Reaction conditions:

    • The reaction takes place under high temperature conditions.
  3. Reaction process:

    • As the temperature rises, the Ba(NO3)2 molecules begin to decompose, creating Ba(NO2)2 and O2.
  4. Phenomena occurring:

    • During the reaction process, you can see the color change and the generation of gas vapor. The generation of oxygen gas can be checked by using a flame, if the flame intensifies strongly when it comes into contact with the escaping gas, it is a sign of oxidation.

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