The equation 2Ba(N3)2 -> 2Ba3N2 + 3N2 + O2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2Ba(N3)2 -> 2Ba3N2 + 3N2 + O2 -> :

This equation describes the thermal decomposition process of Barium azide (Ba(N3)2), a white solid, into Barium nitride (Ba3N2), Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2).

  1. Reaction conditions:

This reaction requires high temperatures to begin. Barium azide decomposes when heated, producing nitrogen, oxygen and barium nitride.

  1. Reaction process:

When 2 moles of Barium azide are heated, they decompose into 2 moles of Barium nitride, 3 moles of Nitrogen and 1 mole of Oxygen.

  1. Phenomena occurring:

When the reaction is conducted, the white solid of Barium azide will disappear and be replaced by the appearance of Barium nitride. Simultaneously, Nitrogen and Oxygen gas are also released.

Note: Barium azide is a very sensitive substance and can easily explode when exposed to heat or shock, so carrying out this reaction requires caution and strict adherence to safety measures.

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The equation 2Ba(N3)2 -> 2Ba3N2 + 3N2 + O2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2Ba(N3)2 -> 2Ba3N2 + 3N2 + O2 -> :
    The above equation depicts the chemical reaction process of barium azide (Ba(N3)2) as it decomposes into barium nitride (Ba3N2), nitrogen (N2), and oxygen (O2).

  2. Reaction Condition:
    This reaction typically occurs at high temperatures when barium azide is heated. The specific temperature to trigger the reaction can vary depending on the particular conditions of the environment as well as the amount of reactant.

  3. Reaction Process:
    When barium azide is heated, it decomposes to form barium nitride, nitrogen, and oxygen. The products of this reaction process are three molecules of nitrogen, one molecule of oxygen, and two molecules of barium nitride.

  4. Occurring Phenomena:
    When barium azide decomposes, a large amount of nitrogen and oxygen gas will be released. This can lead to a rapid increase in pressure within the reaction environment. Moreover, if the reaction temperature is high enough, combustion or explosion may occur. Therefore, this reaction should be carried out under safe conditions.

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