The equation 12HNO3 + 4S -> 4H2SO4 + 12NO

  1. Detailed information on the equation 12HNO3 + 4S -> 4H2SO4 + 12NO:

The above chemical equation describes the reaction between nitric acid (HNO3) and sulfur (S) to produce sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric oxide (NO). Each 12 moles of nitric acid react with 4 moles of sulfur to produce 4 moles of sulfuric acid and 12 moles of nitric oxide.

  1. Reaction conditions:

This reaction requires high temperature and pressure to occur.

  1. Reaction process:
  • Step 1: 12 moles of HNO3 and 4 moles of S are brought together.
  • Step 2: When the pressure and temperature reach the required levels, the reaction begins to occur.
  • Step 3: Sulfur reacts with nitric acid to produce sulfuric acid and nitric oxide.
  • Step 4: 12 moles of NO and 4 moles of H2SO4 are produced as the products of the reaction.
  1. Occurred phenomenon:

During the reaction process, there might be heat and light released. Nitric oxide, a product of the reaction, is a blue gas at high concentration and could be toxic if inhaled.

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