The equation 12HNO3 + 2As -> 2As2O5 + 12NO + 6H2O

  1. Detailed information about the chemical equation 12HNO3 + 2As -> 2As2O5 + 12NO + 6H2O:

This is a redox reaction equation between HNO3 acid and As (Arsenic). In this reaction, As (Arsenic) is oxidized from an oxidation state of +3 to +5, while N in HNO3 is reduced from an oxidation state of +5 to +2.

  1. Reaction conditions:

In order for the reaction to take place, appropriate pressure and temperature conditions are required. Usually, this reaction occurs under standard temperature and pressure conditions.

  1. Reaction process:

The reaction begins with the HNO3 acid acting on As (Arsenic), leading to the creation of As2O5 (Pentaarsenic pentoxide) along with NO (Nitric Oxide) and H2O (Water).

  1. Phenomena occurring:

When the reaction takes place, NO (Nitric Oxide) gas is generated along with the formation of As2O5 (Pentaarsenic pentoxide) and water H2O. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a faint blue gas, if the reaction takes place in a closed condition, you may observe a change in the color of the gas.

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