The equation 10HNO3 + 3CuS -> 3Cu(NO3)2 + 5H2O + 5NO

  1. The chemical equation above describes the reaction process between nitric acid (HNO3) and copper sulphide (CuS). According to the equation, 10 moles of HNO3 react with 3 moles of CuS to produce 3 moles of copper nitrate II (Cu(NO3)2), 5 moles of water (H2O), and 5 moles of nitric monoxide (NO).

  2. Reaction Conditions: For effective reaction, it should be carried out at a high temperature and appropriate pressure. HNO3 needs to be kept in a liquid state. CuS needs to be kept solid.

  3. Reaction Process: During the reaction process, HNO3 reacts with CuS to form Cu(NO3)2, H2O, and NO. Cu(NO3)2 and H2O form a blue precipitate, while NO forms reddish-brown gas.

  4. Phenomena Occurring: When the reaction takes place, you will notice the disappearance of the solid copper sulphide, the appearance of the blue solid which is copper nitrate II, and the release of reddish-brown gas, nitric monoxide.

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