The chemical equation Na2O + H2O -> 2NaOH

  1. The chemical equation Na2O + H2O -> 2NaOHrepresentsthereactionbetweensodiumoxide(Na2O)andwater(H2O)tocreatesodiumhydroxide(NaOH).

  2. Reaction conditions: this reaction only occurs when both reactants are present. Sodium oxide needs to be fully mixed with water to initiate the reaction. The reaction takes place at room temperature.

  3. Reaction process: When sodium oxide blends with water, the bonds between sodium and oxygen atoms are broken, releasing sodium and oxygen. At the same time, water also disassociates into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The sodium atoms then combine with the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form sodium hydroxide.

  4. Observable phenomenon: When sodium oxide reacts with water, it forms sodium hydroxide. The observable phenomenon is the color change of the solution from the white of sodium oxide to the colorless of sodium hydroxide, along with the release of heat during the reaction process.

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