The chemical equation is K2O + CuO -> 2K2CuO2.

  1. The above chemical equation shows the chemical reaction between K2O (Potassium oxide) and CuO (Copper(II) oxide) to produce K2CuO2 (Potassium copper oxide). In this reaction, each mole of K2O reacts with a mole of CuO to produce two moles of K2CuO2.

  2. Reaction conditions: This reaction requires high temperature and appropriate pressure to occur.

  3. Reaction process: In this process, K2O and CuO react with each other to form K2CuO2. Each mole of K2O reacts with a mole of CuO to produce two moles of K2CuO2. This reaction is a combination reaction, which means two or more reactants combine with each other to form a product.

  4. Phenomena: During the reaction process, a temperature increase may be observed. The reaction product, K2CuO2, appears as a blue solid.

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