The chemical equation is Fe + 4KOH -> 2Fe(OH)4 + 4K.

  1. The chemical equation above represents the reaction between iron (Fe) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. The product of this reaction is iron (II) tetrahydroxide (Fe(OH)4) and potassium (K).

  2. Reaction conditions: This reaction requires the presence of high temperature and pressure to occur.

  3. Reaction process: When iron is placed into a KOH solution, it reacts with the hydroxide to form iron (II) tetrahydroxide and potassium.

  4. Phenomena occur: When iron reacts with KOH, a reddish-brown layer appears on the surface of the iron as a reaction product. At the same time, you will also see the solution boil due to the release of potassium.

Note: The above equation seems to be incorrect chemically. Iron typically does not react with potassium hydroxide but only reacts with strong acids like sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. Therefore, you should recheck your source of information.

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