The chemical equation Cu + 2H2O -> Cu(OH)2 + H2

  1. Detailed Information about the Reaction Cu + 2H2O -> Cu(OH)2 + H2

This chemical equation describes the reaction process between Copper (Cu) and Water (H2O) to form Copper (II) Hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) and Hydrogen gas (H2).

  1. Reaction Conditions
  • This reaction only occurs when copper is heated with steam.
  1. Reaction Process
  • When copper interacts with steam at high temperatures, copper reacts with the steam to form Copper (II) Hydroxide and Hydrogen gas.
  • It needs to be ensured that the temperature is high enough for the reaction to take place, otherwise, the reaction will not occur or will occur very slowly.
  1. Occurring Phenomena
  • When heated copper meets steam, a blue layer will be formed on the surface of the copper, which is Copper (II) Hydroxide (Cu(OH)2).
  • Copper exhibits resistance to oxidation by air and water. However, at high temperatures, this changes: copper begins reacting with steam forming a protective blue-green patina that shields the copper from further oxidation.
  • Hydrogen gas is generated during this process.

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