The equation 2Hg3Sb2 -> 2Hg2Sb2 + Sb2 + O2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2Hg3Sb2 -> 2Hg2Sb2 + Sb2 + O2 -> :
    The aforementioned chemical equation illustrates the decomposition of the mercury and antimony compound (Hg3Sb2) into another compound of mercury and antimony (Hg2Sb2), antimony (Sb2), and oxygen gas (O2).

  2. Reaction conditions:
    The reaction typically occurs when subjected to high temperatures to accelerate the reaction rate.

  3. Reaction Process:
    Upon heating, the Hg3Sb2 compound will decompose into Hg2Sb2, Sb2, and O2.

  4. Phenomena observed:
    During the reaction process, the generation of O2 gas can be observed. The reaction products are new mercury and antimony compounds along with free antimony.

Note: This reaction needs to be conducted under strict control as both mercury and antimony are toxic substances, harmful to human health if directly exposed.

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The chemical equation 2Hg3Sb2 -> 2Hg2Sb2 + Sb2 + O2.

  1. The above chemical equation shows the reaction between 2 molecules of Hg3Sb2 compound (Mercury Antimonit) to produce 2 molecules of Hg2Sb2 compound (Mercury Antimon), one molecule of Sb2 compound (Antimon) and one molecule of O2 compound (Oxygen).

  2. Reaction conditions: This reaction requires heat and light to proceed, and is usually carried out at high temperatures.

  3. Reaction process: When the temperature is raised, the Hg3Sb2 molecules will start to decompose, creating Hg2Sb2, Sb2, and O2 molecules. When the reaction is complete, we will obtain the compounds that have been produced.

  4. Observed phenomena: During the reaction, a change in color can be observed, from the gray of Hg3Sb2 to the red of Hg2Sb2. Additionally, there may be smoke or steam rising from the reaction due to the release of heat and oxygen.

Note: This equation is not common and not often used in practical chemistry.

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