What is ZnTe? Important knowledge about ZnTe.

  1. Definition of ZnTe

Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) is a chemical compound consisting of two elements, zinc (Zn) and telluride (Te). Each molecule of ZnTe includes one atom of zinc and one atom of telluride. The relative atomic mass of ZnTe is 192.99 g/mol. The structure of ZnTe is in the form of a rectangular crystal lattice.

  1. Properties of ZnTe

2.1 Physical properties of ZnTe: ZnTe usually appears in the form of deep red or black crystals. This substance has no smell and its PH level cannot be determined as it is a solid.

2.2 Chemical properties of ZnTe: ZnTe does not react with strong acids, and is not easily oxidized. It is also quite difficult for it to react with other substances.

  1. Common chemical equations of ZnTe

Because ZnTe has weak chemical properties, there are not many interesting chemical reactions related to ZnTe. Some reactions can occur but they are not common.

  1. Synthesis of ZnTe

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of ZnTe: ZnTe is usually synthesized through the reaction between zinc and telluride at high temperatures.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of ZnTe: On an industrial scale, ZnTe is usually produced by the Vapour Growth Crystal Method or the Vacuum Crystal Method.

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