What is ZnSO3? Important knowledge about ZnSO3.

Hello students, today we will learn about ZnSO3

  1. ZnSO3, also known as Zinc Sulfate(II), in English is Zinc Sulfate. ZnSO3 is a chemical compound with the formula ZnSO3. In terms of atoms, we need to note that ZnSO3 consists of 3 chemical elements: Zinc (Zn), Sulfur (S), and Oxygen (O). Therein, the atomic mass of Zn is 65.38, S is 32.06 and O is 16. Therefore, the molecular weight of ZnSO3 is 161.44 g/mol.

1.4 Ion structure: ZnSO3 is a salt of zinc and sulfuric acid. Zinc ion (Zn2+) forms a compound with sulfate ion (SO42-).

  1. ZnSO3 has distinctive physical and chemical properties:
    2.1 Regarding physical properties: they have a solid state at room temperature, white color, odorless and in crystal form. The pH of a 1M ZnSO3 solution is about 4.5, indicating that it is slightly acidic.
    2.2 Regarding chemical properties: ZnSO3 can react with other substances such as metals, acids, non-metals, or salts to form new compounds.

  2. Examples of some chemical equations involving ZnSO3:

Zn + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2(Reactionwithacid)
ZnSO3 + 2NaOH -> Na2SO3 + Zn(OH)2(Reactionwithalkali)
ZnSO3 + K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + K2SO4 + H2O(Redoxreaction)

  1. Synthesis of ZnSO3:
    ZnSO3 can be synthesized in the laboratory through the reaction between zinc and dilute sulfuric acid. Industrially, ZnSO3 can also be produced by extracting zinc from sources such as sphalerite.

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