What is Zn(NO2)2? Important knowledge about Zn(NO2)2

  1. Definition of Zn(NO2)2

Zn(NO2)2, also known as Zinc Nitrite, is a chemical compound that includes the elements zinc (Zn), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O). In its name, the number 2 after NO2 indicates the amount of nitrite group in each molecule.

1.1 Common name: Zinc Nitrite

1.2 English name: Zinc Nitrite

1.3 Atomic mass: Zinc (Zn) =65.38, Nitrogen (N)=14, Oxygen (O)=16

1.4 Molar mass: The molar mass of Zn(NO2)2 is calculated as the sum of the atomic masses of all its elements, which is 189.38 g/mol.

1.5 Molecular structure: The Zn(NO2)2 molecule consists of one zinc ion Zn2+ and two nitrite ions NO2-.

  1. Properties of Zn(NO2)2

2.1 Physical properties:

  • State: solid at standard conditions
  • Color: colorless
  • Odor: odorless
  • pH: not applicable as it is a solid.

2.2 Chemical properties: Zn(NO2)2 can decompose at high temperatures to form ZnO, NO2 and O2. It can react with strong acids such as H2SO4.

  1. Common chemical equations

As Zn(NO2)2 is not a metal, it cannot react according to metal reactions. However, it can react with strong acids to form salts and NO2 gas.

  1. Preparation of Zn(NO2)2

Zn(NO2)2 can be prepared in the laboratory through the reaction between zinc and nitrous acid:

Zn + 2HNO2 -> Zn(NO2)2 + H2

Due to the toxicity and complex chemical properties of NO2, the preparation of Zn(NO2)2 should be conducted under the supervision of a teacher or a chemist.

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