What is Zn4H2P2O6? Important knowledge about Zn4H2P2O6.

Firstly, let me introduce to students about the chemical substance Zn4H2P2O6. This is a very special chemical substance, known as Phosphoric acid, zinc salt (2:4) or Zinc phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2) in English.

1.2. The atomic mass of Zn4H2P2O6 is 386.17 g/mol.

1.3. Atomic weight: This substance is composed of Zinc (Zn), Hydrogen (H), Phosphorus (P), Oxygen (O) atoms in the ratio of 4:2:2:6 respectively.

1.4. Ion structure: In a Zn4H2P2O6 molecule, we can find Zn2+, H+, P3- and O2- ions.

2.1. Physical properties: Zn4H2P2O6 usually presents in white powder form, odorless and has a neutral pH level.

2.2. Chemical properties: Zn4H2P2O6 is insoluble in water and acid.

  1. Common chemical equations of Zn4H2P2O6 are not easily occurred due to its insolubility in water and acid.

  2. Synthesis of Zn4H2P2O6: In fact, Zn4H2P2O6 is usually produced through industrial synthesis in which the main raw materials are Zinc and Phosphoric acid. In the laboratory, we can also synthesize Zn4H2P2O6 through the reaction between Zn and H3PO4.

However, please note that Zn4H2P2O6 is not a common substance in daily life and studying it primarily serves the purpose of grasping knowledge in chemistry.

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