What is Zn3As2O6? Essential knowledge about Zn3As2O6.

  1. Zn3As2O6 Definition:
    Zn3As2O6, also known as Zinc Arsenate in English, is a chemical compound. This compound consists of 3 atoms of Zn (Zinc), 2 atoms of As (Arsenic) and 6 atoms of O (Oxygen). The atomic mass of Zn is 65.38, As is 74.92 and O is 15.999. Therefore, the atomic mass of Zn3As2O6 is (3*65.38) + (2*74.92) + (6*15.999) = 195.14 + 149.84 + 95.994 = 441.00. This compound has a complex molecular structure with the arrangement of Zn, As and O atoms.

  2. Properties of Zn3As2O6:
    Zn3As2O6 has the following physical properties: State: solid, Colour: white or slightly yellow, No specific odor, PH: neutral. The chemical properties of Zn3As2O6 are also rich and complex, including reactions with metals, acids, non-metals and salts.

  3. Common Chemical Equation of Zn3As2O6:
    Zn3As2O6 can react with some metals, acids, non-metals and salts to produce new compounds. For example, Zn3As2O6 can react with H2SO4 to produce ZnSO4, As2O5 and H2O.

  4. Preparation of Zn3As2O6:
    Zn3As2O6 can be synthesized through a number of different chemical reactions. However, the preparation of Zn3As2O6 usually requires specific experimental conditions and advanced chemical expertise.

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