What is Zn3As2O4? Important knowledge about Zn3As2O4.

  1. Definition of Zn3As2O4

Zn3As2O4, also known as zinc arsenate, is an inorganic chemical compound consisting of zinc, arsenic, and oxygen. In this formula, the number 3 following zinc indicates that there are three zinc atoms, the number 2 following arsenic indicates that there are two arsenic atoms, and the number 4 following oxygen indicates that there are four oxygen atoms. Zinc arsenate has a molar mass of 427.12 g/mol. Its molecule is made up of ions including Zn2+, AsO4-3.

  1. Properties of Zn3As2O4

Zinc arsenate is a solid with color ranging from white to beige. It has no distinctive odor. Chemically, Zn3As2O4 is insoluble in water, and can react with strong acids.

  1. Common chemical equations of Zn3As2O4

The reactions of zinc arsenate under normal conditions are rather limited due to its stability. Some typical reactions may include reaction with strong acids to produce zinc ions and arsenate ions.

  1. Synthesis of Zn3As2O4

The synthesis of Zn3As2O4 in the laboratory is usually quite complex and requires the intervention of specialists. A typical method is to produce zinc arsenate from the reaction of zinc with arsenic acid. In industry, zinc arsenate is widely used in the production of pesticides, industrial chemicals, and special materials.

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