What is Yb? Important knowledge about Yb

  1. Definition of Yb
    Yb, also known as Ytterbium, is one of the chemical elements present in the periodic table, symbolized as Yb with the atomic number 70. Yb belongs to the lanthanide group and is a metal. The atomic mass of Yb is 173.04 amu. Ytterbium forms ions when it loses or gains electrons in a chemical reaction.

  2. Properties of Yb
    2.1 Physical properties of Yb
    Ytterbium is a metal with a silver-white color and is quite soft. It does not have a distinctive smell and does not dissolve in water. The pH of Yb is undetermined since pH is only used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Yb
    Ytterbium reacts with oxygen to form Yb2O3. It can also react with halogens such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine to form compounds YbF3, YbCl3, YbBr3, YbI3.

  3. Common chemical equations with Yb
    Metal reaction: Yb + 3H2 -> 2YbH3
    Acid reaction: Yb + H2SO4 -> Yb2(SO4)3 + 3H2
    Non-metal reaction: Yb + O2 -> Yb2O3
    Reaction with salts: Yb does not react directly with salts.

  4. Preparation of Yb
    Yb cannot be prepared in a lab because this process requires special conditions and equipment. On an industrial scale, Yb is extracted from xenotime or euxenite ores.

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