What is XeF10? Important knowledge about XeF10

Sorry, but there is currently no information on the XeF10 compound in chemistry. Xenon, a chemical element symbolized as Xe, the most common compounds of xenon and fluorine are XeF2, XeF4, and XeF6.

1.1.1 The common names of XeF2, XeF4, and XeF6 are Difluoride Xenon, Tetrafluoride Xenon, and Hexafluoride Xenon respectively.
1.1.2 Their English names are Xenon difluoride, Xenon tetrafluoride, and Xenon hexafluoride respectively.
1.2. Their atomic masses are 169, 207, and 245 respectively.
1.3. The molecular structure of XeF2 is formed from one xenon atom and two fluorine atoms, XeF4 consists of one xenon atom and four fluorine atoms, and XeF6 is composed of one xenon atom and six fluorine atoms.
1.4. Ion formation: Xenon and fluorine are two non-metal elements so they bond with each other using covalent bonding, not forming ions.

2.1. Physical properties: XeF2 is a white solid, XeF4 and XeF6 are yellow solids. All are odorless and their pH levels cannot be determined because they are insoluble in water.
2.2. Chemical properties: XeF2, XeF4, and XeF6 are all highly reactive, they can react with water to produce xenon, oxygen, and hydrofluoric acid.

  1. Regarding chemical equations, we will consider them after you comprehend the physical and chemical properties of these compounds.

  2. Synthesis: XeF2, XeF4, and XeF6 are all synthesized from the direct reaction between xenon and fluorine at high temperatures.

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