What is Sr(NO2)2? Important knowledge about Sr(NO2)2.

  1. Definition of Sr(NO2)2
    Sr(NO2)2, or Strontium nitrite, is a chemical compound in the group of nitrite salts, with the molecular formula Sr(NO2)2.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Strontium nitrite
1.1.2 English name: Strontium nitrite
1.2. Atomic mass: Strontium (Sr, 38), Nitrogen (N, 7), Oxygen (O, 8)
1.3. Atomic weight: Sr = 87.62, N = 14.01, O = 16.00
1.3.1 Molecular structure: A Sr(NO2)2 molecule consists of one Sr2+ ion linked with two NO2- ions.
1.4 Ion structure: Sr2+ and NO2-

  1. Characteristics: Sr(NO2)2
    2.1 Physical properties of Sr(NO2)2
    State: solid at room temperature
    Color: colorless
    Smell: odorless
    pH level: neutral
    2.2 Chemical properties of Sr(NO2)2: Sr(NO2)2 reacts with acid to form dinitrogen oxide and salt, and can also react with metal to form nitrogen and salt.

  2. Common chemical equations involving Sr(NO2)2
    Reaction with metal [if any]
    Reaction with acid [if any]
    Reaction with nonmetals [if any]
    Reaction with salts [if any]

  3. Synthesis of Sr(NO2)2
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Sr(NO2)2: Sr(NO2)2 is usually synthesized from the reaction between Strontium nitrate and nitric acid.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Sr(NO2)2: In industry, Sr(NO2)2 is typically produced from the reaction between strontium carbonate and nitric acid.

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