What is SrF2? Important knowledge about SrF2.

  1. Definition of SrF2
    SrF2, or Strontium Fluoride, also known in Vietnamese as Flourua Stronti, is a chemical compound with a molecular weight of 125 g/mol. The structure of this molecule includes one Sr2+ ion formed from a strontium atom and two F- ions from two fluorine atoms. SrF2 belongs to the group of strontium halogen compounds in the periodic table.

  2. Properties of SrF2
    2.1 Physical properties: SrF2 typically exists as a solid with a gray or white color. This substance has no distinctive smell and does not dissolve in water. The PH level of SrF2 is very high, which gives it a basic nature.
    2.2 Chemical properties: SrF2 participates in chemical reactions such as reactions with acid, oxidation reactions, and reactions with metal.

  3. Common chemical equations involving SrF2
    Due to the complex chemical properties of SrF2, we will only mention a few simple examples such as the reaction with hydrochloric acid HCl to form SrCl2 and HF, or the reaction with the metal sodium Na to form NaF and Sr.

  4. Preparation of SrF2
    4.1 Laboratory preparation: SrF2 is usually prepared through the reaction between hydrofluoric acid HF and strontium carbonate SrCO3.
    4.2 Industrial preparation: On an industrial scale, SrF2 is typically produced from the reaction between strontium carbonate and hydrofluic acid at high temperatures.

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