What is Sr2SO7? Important knowledge about Sr2SO7.

  1. Definition of Sr2SO7

Sr2SO7, also known as Strontium sulfate. It consists of two Strontium (Sr) atoms, one sulfur (S) atom and seven oxygen (O) atoms. The molar mass of Sr2SO7 is 183.68 g/mol. In this molecule, the Strontium and sulfur atoms are linked together through ionic bonds, creating a crystal structure.

  1. Properties of Sr2SO7

Sr2SO7 is a colorless, odorless white solid that is insoluble in water. Its pH is very high, indicating that it is a basic substance. The chemical properties of Sr2SO7 are special, it does not react with water, but reacts with strong acids to form salts and sulfur compounds.

  1. Common chemical equation of Sr2SO7

Unfortunately, Sr2SO7 is not commonly used in chemical reactions like metals, acids, non-metals or salts. However, it can react with strong acids to produce salts and sulfur compounds.

  1. Preparation of Sr2SO7

4.1 Laboratory preparation of Sr2SO7
Strontium sulfate can be prepared through the reaction between sulfuric acid and Strontium, or by allowing Strontium to react with sulfur compounds.

4.2 Industrial preparation of Sr2SO7
In industry, Strontium sulfate is often produced by melting Strontium and sulfur in an oxygen-free environment.

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