What is Sr2SiO3? Important knowledge about Sr2SiO3

  1. Definition of Sr2SiO3
    Sr2SiO3, also known as Strontium silicate, is a chemical compound belonging to the silicate group, with two Strontium atoms, one Silicon atom, and three Oxygen atoms. In the Sr2SiO3 molecule, the Silicon atom links with three Oxygen atoms to form the silicate radical SiO3^2-, while the two Strontium atoms are in the ionized state Sr^2+.

  2. Characteristics of Sr2SiO3
    2.1 Physical properties of Sr2SiO3: Sr2SiO3 typically appears as a white, odorless powder that is insoluble in water and has a neutral PH.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Sr2SiO3: Sr2SiO3 does not react with strong acids like sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and also does not react with alkalis. It mainly reacts with strong reducing substances such as hydrogen and carbon.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Sr2SiO3
    Sr2SiO3 does not react with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  4. Synthesis of Sr2SiO3
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Sr2SiO3: Sr2SiO3 is synthesized through the reaction between SrCO3 and SiO2 at high temperature.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Sr2SiO3: In the industry, Sr2SiO3 is produced by melting SrCO3 and SiO2 at high temperature.

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